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Investor Presentaiton

Region Ile-de-France, Société du Grand Paris, Ile-de- France Mobilités, RATP and SNCF : 5 different entities Région îledeFrance Legal body governed by public law Regional authority, autonomous -regional assembly composed of 209 elected members, - chaired by Valérie PECRESSE. The regional Council governs the affairs of Ile-de-France through its resolutions. It has jurisdiction over subsidies and project management in the transport's sector. Société du Grand îledeFrance Paris Public industrial and Public commercial undertaking ("EPIC”) 100% owned by the state Supervisory Board (representatives of the State local authorities, 21 members). and Design, develop and finance the Grand Paris Express project (200 km of metro lines, 100 % automatic; 68 new stations). mobilités administrative institution << EPA >> Council composed of 29 members, representing « départements », Ile-de- France Region and the French State, chaired by Valérie PECRESSE. of Authority in charge transportation in Ile-de-France Region. RATP SNCF RATP Public industrial and commercial undertaking (“EPIC”) SNCF Limited Company 100% owned by the state - RATP ensure, design and maintain transport networks in Region Ile-de-France - SNCF manage, maintain and develop the railway network+ service operation. Région îledeFrance © Finance Department - Region Ile-de-France 59 52
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