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Investor Presentaiton

AGING PROGRAMS AND PLAN FOCUS AREAS OAA FOCUS 4 - ELDER JUSTICE Legal Assistance All AAAS in Virginia receive OAA Title-III funds through DARS to offer seniors access to legal services. AAAs contract with local legal services offices or use staff attorneys to provide the services. In addition, since 2012, DARS has employed a Legal Services De- veloper to assist AAAs with implementation of Legal Assistance and to focus on oppor- tunities to improve the quality and quantity of legal services offered to older Virginians. In 2017, through a three-year grant from ACL and in partnership with the Virginia Pov- erty Law Center, DARS established a Senior Legal Helpline (SLH). SLH offers legal as- sistance advice and referrals for Virginians age 60 and over. Callers can speak to attorneys at no cost on the following topics: public benefits, such as Medicaid and Social Security Income (SSI), guardianship and guardianship alterna- tives, financial exploitation, limited consumer matters, LTC issues, age discrimination, and abuse and neglect. Since inception, the SLH has received close to 1,000 calls. 1,000 Number of calls received by SLH since inception 40
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