Inchcape Strategy & Growth Ambitions Update slide image

Inchcape Strategy & Growth Ambitions Update

Inchcape Considerable opportunities for an ambitious Inchcape Distribution Excellence Annual new car volumes (units) 90m 17m New market opportunities Large markets; typically insourced by OEMs e.g. China, US, UK, Brazil, Mexico 17m Global Inchcape markets worldwide INCHCAPE Diyla Catomer DISTRIBUTION 108 Vehicle Lifecycle Services Vehicle lifecycle value profit splitĀ² 25% Inchcape volumes Typical distribution markets1 Initial User (0-4 years) 1: Defined as those markets with annual new car volumes of less than 1m units 2: Analysis shows the split of profit attainable over an average vehicle's life, and assumes four different owners during that period The analysis captures the vehicle sales, finance & insurance commission and the aftersales services (including independent aftermarket) 3x New vehicle import Lifetime profits 25% 1st sale 75% 2nd sale 3rd sale 75% ---. Currently underserved Subsequent Users (4+ years) by Inchcape DIA DIA DI 4 41
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