Malayan Banking Berhad Financial Analysis slide image

Malayan Banking Berhad Financial Analysis

International & Malaysia Portfolio Mix FY2022 Net Operating Income FY2022 5.5% (Jan 22 - Dec 22) 9.5% Overseas: 31.6% 16.6% RM27.62 billion Overseas: 20.4% 68.4% FY2021 5.8% (Jan 21 Dec 21) 10.4% Profit Before Tax 0.5% 6.0% 13.9% RM12.15 billion 79.6% â– Malaysia Singapore Indonesia Others Overseas: 32.3% 16.1% RM25.45 billion Overseas: 20.4% 67.7% 4.4% 16.0% RM10.89 billion# 79.6% Note: # Profit Before Tax country percentages for FY2021 excludes Others as it registered a loss before tax of RM591.0 million Net of unwinding interest and effective interest rate * Gross Loans * 7.5% 5.3% Overseas: 25.2% 38.0% RM587.1 billion 62.0% 7.8% 5.5% Overseas: 38.6% 25.3% RM553.8 billion 61.4% 27 22
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