Investor Presentaiton
3. Preparedness of urban LG in delivering SDGs in BD
3.1 Interpreting Government SDG initiatives
Cost Assessment for SDGs done by the GoB (Table 1)
LGD was given the lead responsibility for implementing 13 targets
under five SDGs
The cost estimation, based on the Bangladesh government's ‘SDG
Financing Strategy: Bangladesh Perspective', of the present study
considers 10 targets under three SDGs to avoid overestimation
The government's strategy document identifies five potential sources
of financing, viz., public financing, private sector financing, public-
private partnership, external sources and NGOs
Since the present study focuses on the role of the LG, only estimates of
public financing have been used; for SDG 6 (Clean Water and
Sanitation), public financing is 60% of total costs, and for SDG 11
(Sustainable cities and communities) and SDG 12 (Responsible
consumption and production), it is 20%
When the actual budget is compared with the additional synchronised
cost, it is seen that the total additional synchronised cost is
approximately 31.94% and 28.86% of the budget of the LGD for
FY2017 and FY2018 respectively
LGD would need significant additional funding for it to be able to
implement the targets
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