Many Traditions One Alaska - Financial Update
Revenue Types
Revenue by Fund Type
Unrestricted (fund type 10)
There are no statutory designations or restrictions on funding from
this source.
Funds are available for use within the current fiscal year.
Auxiliary (fund type 30)
Unrestricted funds of enterprises that furnish services directly or
indirectly to students, faculty, or staff.
Designated (fund type 15)
Unrestricted current funds that have an internal restriction.
Match (fund type 14)
A hybrid fund type between unrestricted and restricted; while they
are an integral part of restricted program management, the funding
for them derives from unrestricted sources.
Restricted (fund type 20)
Funds are limited to a specific purpose or project by the provider as a
condition of receiving the funds.
Auxiliary Funds;
$21.6; 2.6%
Restricted Funds;
$230.8; 27.6%
Designated Funds;
$4.5; 0.5%
Match Funds;
$11.3; 1.4%
Unrestricted Funds;
$566.6: 67.9%
FY21 Revenue by Fund Type (in millions of $)
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