GRI 401-1, GRI 401-2, GRI 406-1,
GRI 410-1, GRI 412-2, GRI 412-3
The ESG Strategy 2022-2026, which will
come into effect in 2022, has as one of its
action focus the expansion of diversity in
the organization, especially in relation to
gender and people with disabilities.
Today, the administrative area of Portobello
Group is made up of 50% men and 50%
women. In retail, 60.4% of leaders are
women. The company's challenge lies in
the industrial area, where the proportion is
70% men and 30% women.
This year, 8.57% of Portobello Group's
employees were people with disabilities.
In 2021, at the request of the Ministry of
Labor, the first phase of the renovation of
the Tijucas plant, where the headquarters is
located, took place, to expand accessibility
in different spaces, such as elevators,
parking, access points, living areas,
bathrooms, floors, among others. The
second stage will be completed in 2022.
Portobello Shops were also analyzed and
an accessibility project was designed
especially for retail. With each new
renovation or work, adjustments are being
carried out by the Architecture area.
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