Y2021 Financial Targets
KBank Risk Management Structure
■The Bank's organization is structured to facilitate all aspects of risk management; each business unit's
responsibilities and segregation of duties are clearly identified in accordance with good internal-control practices
■ Approve risk appetite and all risk management policies and guidelines
Board of Directors
Risk Oversight Committee Audit Committee
Operating Committee
Credit Risk Management Sub-committee
Credit Process Management Sub-committee
Asset and Liabilities Management Sub-committee
Market Risk Management Sub-committee
Capital Management Sub-committee
Operational Risk Sub-committee
Business Continuity Management Sub-committee
Information Technology Strategy Sub-committee
Digital Oriented Risk, Data and Cyber Security -
and IT Risk Management Sub-committee
■ Oversee effectiveness of consolidated risk management framework
■ Ensure effectiveness of overall risk management of the financial conglomerate
■ Establish risk management policies and risk appetites. Set risk limits for
significant aspects of the various risks
■ Formulate strategy for the organization and resources to be used for the risk
management operation, in line with the risk management policy.
This strategy must enable the effective analysis, assessment, evaluation, and
monitoring of the risk management system
■Credit Risk Management Sub-committee, Sustainable Development Sub-
committee and Corporate Governance Committee oversee project financing
requests that could have adverse impacts on the environment and society
Business Units
Risk Management
and Control Function
Internal Audit
■Business units are responsible for continuous and active management of all
relevant risk exposure, to be in line with its returns and risk appetite
■Risk management is responsible for providing independent and objective
views on specific risk-bearing activities to safeguard the integrity of the entire
risk process. Control units are set to ensure that risk levels are in line with our
risk appetite
■Internal Audit is independent and responsible for evaluation to add value and
improve the effectiveness of risk management, control, and governance
processes of the Bank and its subsidiaries
Corporate Business Division, DNW = Distribution Network Division, PBG = Private Banking Group, CMB = Capital Markets Business Division, IBB = Investment Banking Business Division,
WBG World Business Group, CSI = Corporate Strategy and Innovation Division, DAS = Data and Analytics Division, ICB = Integrated Channels and Business Solutions Division, MMT =
Marketing Management Division, TWG = Transaction and Wealth Banking Division, CPD = Credit Products Division, TS = Central Treasury Department, CSF = Customer and Enterprise Service
Fulfillment Division, KTBG = KASIKORN BUSINESS - TECHNOLOGY GROUP, ERM = Enterprise Risk Management Division, ADD = Audit Division
KBank Credit Risk Management Process
The Bank continues to enhance credit risk management processes to promote risk strategies
with justified risk-return tradeoff within the rapidly changing economic environment
Portfolio Management
■ Determine portfolio-by-design taking into account risk-adjusted return trade-off
■Manage portfolio according to the Bank's risk appetite and concentration risk management (Country, Industry,
Large Customer Group)
■ Perform stress testing to identify impacts to portfolio and proactively prepare appropriate management actions
Collection & Recovery
■ Enhance decision
making/support tools for more
efficient return and risk
■ Setup specific prescreening
criteria for potential industries
■ Enhance customer income
validation process
■ Monitor customer behavior and
detect early warning signs
■Leverage National Credit Bureau
information for effective credit
■ Ensure credit condition compliance
(e.g. insurance, capital injection,
project progress)
■Take prompt action to prevent
credit deterioration
■ Efficient collection and
follow-up of customers with
late payments
■Restructure viable customers
to prevent NPLs
■Foreclose pledged assets to
recover loan loss
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