2022 Humanitarian Response Plan for Gaza and West Bank slide image

2022 Humanitarian Response Plan for Gaza and West Bank

6. RECOMMENDATIONS Protection Risk 1: General Protection and Human Rights risks, in particular deterioration in physical well-being due to violence and conflict о о о о о End all practices that amount to collective punishment: Immediately end the blockade of Gaza, remove hurdles including quotas and restrictions on people and products entering/ exiting Gaza any restrictions on freedom of movement must be in accordance with international law Both Israeli and Palestinian authorities have a responsibility to calm all violence, both in words and actions, protect civilians and ensure accountability for all violations of international law. Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security and all parties, leaders and authorities must fulfill their obligations under international law to secure these fundamental rights. When use of force is necessary, it must comply fully with international human rights laws: the use of firearm is allowed in extremely limited circumstances, namely in self-defence or defence of others from an imminent threat of death or serious injury, and as a last resort. Even when strictly necessary, force must be used in a manner which minimizes harm and preserves life. Israel as the occupying power is responsible for the safety and security of the Palestinian population and must ensure the protection of all Palestinian civilians. End culture of impunity and hold duty bearers accountable for all human rights violations - Israel must undertake thorough, independent, impartial and prompt investigations into all instances of possible excessive use of force, and those responsible for any violations must be held to account. Allow safe and consistent access to farming and fishing, including refraining from levelling and herbicide spraying, use of lethal force on О land and at sea to enforce restrictions, and confiscation of fishing boats. All duty bearers must end arbitrary arrests and detention and ensure the rights of detainees are respected, including all fair trial guarantees. Protection Risk 2: Internal displacement ○ Everyone should be able to live in safety and dignity. The forcible eviction of Palestinians from their homes in Gaza raises a range of human rights concerns and also heightens their risk of forcible transfer a grave breach of the fourth Geneva Convention and a war crime Palestinians from Gaza, whether married to spouses from West Bank, East Jerusalem, Israel, or abroad are entitled to live together as one cohesive familial unit, without the constant threat of separation. Protection Risk 3: Psychosocial distress and deterioration in mental well-being О Ensure availability of in-person and remote specialized MHPSS services to both children, caregivers, and frontline service providers. Prioritize funding for community based MHPSS services. О Develop remote MHPSS service provision guidance, as well as invest in existing hotlines, considering any emerging escalation or emergency, including pandemics, such as COVID-19 О Provide self-care and supervision services to MHPSS frontline service providers. Ensure contingency planning and response is well-coordinated among all relevant actors, with clear inter-sectoral pathways 29
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