Investor Presentaiton
2016 | Braskem | Annual Report
Human Rights
Commitment to the principles
that govern Human Rights
worldwide is embedded in
Braskem's values, expressed in its
Code of Conduct and in voluntary
agreements - such as the Global
Compact aimed at promoting
sustainable development.
Braskem carried out an assessment
focused on the practices of
protecting and promoting
fundamental guarantees to all
human beings, regardless of
gender, ethnicity, belief, age
group, or any other social status.
This assessment was developed
based on the UN Guidelines on
Business and Human Rights
(Ruggie's Framework), and
included the following phases:
Sector Benchmark, Corporate and
Chain Impact Assessment, and
GAP Analysis.
The work encompassed the
Company's operations in
Brazil, Mexico, the United
States, and Germany, as well
as the activities of external
stakeholders. Several Team
Members were interviewed,
among them those responsible
for internal areas such as People
and Organization (P&O), Health,
Safety, and Environment (HSE),
Procurement, Legal, Corporate
Governance, Compliance, and
external partners. Over 100
documents were also provided
and analyzed in order to
map procedures and identify
key risks, opportunities, and
vulnerable groups.
With this, Braskem has created
a risk matrix of Human Rights
violations, which is being validated
by the Leaders. In 2017, Braskem
will provide additional information
on this aspect on its website.
The purpose of this work is to
establish an integrated, strategic
and continuous management of
this aspect. Accordingly, based on
the recommendations received,
Braskem will engage its internal
and external stakeholders in order
to motivate them to improve the
current action plans, in addition
to reporting the evolution of the
results. The Company's perspective
is that, in 2018, the assessment
of impacts on Human Rights will
be strengthened and integrated
into the process of reviewing the
Braskem's Materiality Matrix.
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