G20 Development Working Group Submissions slide image

G20 Development Working Group Submissions

KNOWLEDGE SHARING¹¹ Sharing development experience, including through North-South, South-South and triangular cooperation, helps build the capacity of developing countries through the adoption and adaptation of the most relevant and effective development solutions. In the 2010 MYAP on Development, the G20 requested the Task Team on South-South Cooperation (TT-SSC) and UNDP to recommend how knowledge-sharing activity, including North- South, South-South, and triangular cooperation, can be scaled up. These recommendations were to include measures to broaden knowledge sources, improve brokering functions, strengthen the dissemination of best practices and expand funding options. At a request of the DWG, knowledge sharing networks or platforms have been established in the areas of domestic resource mobilization, food security, human resource development and social protection. In-Depth Assessment: Knowledge-sharing platforms Alignment with Core G20 and DWG Mandate Knowledge sharing as a distinct tool for development cooperation complements other forms of development cooperation through the sharing of experience and lessons learned. The established platforms focus on facilitating collective action between development cooperation providers and actively draw on the expertise and resources of the private sector. COMMITMENT 65: Enhance the effectiveness and reach of knowledge 3 4 5 6 Implementation The knowledge-sharing platforms are still at a developing stage. An immediate priority is to bring the number of knowledge products within the platform to a critical mass, as well as to strengthen outreach to make the platforms more visible to a wider audience. A secure platform (https://community.oecd.org/ community/eoita) under the framework of the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information (EOI) for Tax Purposes aims to enhance cooperation between IOs and development agencies working on tax assistance projects in developing countries. Since its launch in February 2012, the Platform has proved to be a useful tool in raising the awareness of the Global Forum's work with technical assistance (TA) partners, providing them with access to a wealth of information and alerting them about upcoming events and training opportunities. It has also fostered a number of one- on-one discussions with TA partners on how they might incorporate tax transparency and information exchange into their existing programs. A key objective of the TAP (www.tropagplatform. org) is to foster partnerships between international, regional and national organizations to create greater coherence among capacity development initiatives in LDCs with the aim of fostering agriculture innovation systems. TAP partners are working on defining TAP services, which will include a policy-dialogue space between stakeholders, a marketplace to broker demands and offers, and a TAPipedia offering knowledge products in agricultural innovation. The Global Public-Private Knowledge-Sharing Platform on Skills for Employment (Global KSP) (http://www.skillsforemployment.org) focuses on collecting case studies, research findings, strategy papers from policymakers, academic institutions, the private sector and IOs interested in sharing ideas on how to bridge the world of education and training for decent and productive work. The website, which was launched in January 2013, contains knowledge products focused on 3 priority issues: skills for youth 11 Since 2010, Mexico and the Republic of Korea have co-facilitated this work under the "Knowledge Sharing Pillar". IOs such as the UN, World Bank and OECD have been major contributors to this work to strengthen and broaden sources of knowledge for development and growth and mainstream knowledge sharing into other MYAP pillars. 67
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