2022-23 SGI CANADA Annual Report slide image

2022-23 SGI CANADA Annual Report

Depreciation is recorded in operations on a straight-line basis, commencing in the year the asset is available to be placed in service, over the estimated useful lives as follows: Buildings & improvements Building components Leasehold improvements Furniture & equipment 15-40 years 15-30 years lease term 3-5 years Building components consist of heating and cooling systems, elevators, roofs and parking lots. Land is not subject to depreciation and is carried at cost. Impairment reviews are performed when there are indicators that the carrying value of an asset may exceed its recoverable amount. Intangible assets Intangible assets are recorded at cost less accumulated amortization and accumulated impairment, if any. Cost includes expenditures that are directly attributable to the acquisition of the intangible asset. The Corporation has not incurred any borrowing costs attributable to intangible assets, and therefore no borrowing costs have been capitalized. Subsequent costs are included in the intangible asset's carrying value when it is probable that future economic benefits associated with the item will flow to the Corporation, and the cost of the item can be reliably measured. The amortization method being used, the useful lives of the intangible assets and residual values of the intangible assets are reviewed at each reporting period. The intangible assets have finite useful lives and are being amortized on a straight-line basis, commencing in the year in which the asset is available to be placed in service, over their estimated useful lives of 5-10 years. Impairment reviews are performed when there are indicators that the carrying value of an asset may exceed its recoverable amount. Leases The Corporation recognizes all leases to which it is a lessee in the Consolidated Statement of Financial Position as a lease liability with a corresponding right-of-use asset, subject to recognition exemptions for certain short-term and low value leases. On the lease commencement date, a right-of-use asset and a lease liability are recognized. The lease liability is initially measured at the present value of the remaining lease payments, discounted using the interest rate implicit in the lease, if that rate can be readily determined. If that rate cannot be readily determined, the Corporation uses its incremental borrowing rate for similar terms at the start date of the lease term. The lease term includes the non-cancellable period of the lease along with any periods covered by an option to extend the lease if the lessee is reasonably certain to exercise that option and any periods covered by an option to terminate the lease if the lessee is reasonably certain not to exercise that option. Lease payments included in the measurement of the lease liability comprise fixed payments, reduced by any incentives receivable, and exclude operational costs and variable lease payments. The lease liability is subsequently measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method. The right-of-use asset is initially measured at cost, which corresponds to the value of the lease liability adjusted for any lease payments made or initial direct costs incurred at or before the commencement date, less any lease incentives received. The right-of-use asset is subsequently depreciated using the straight-line method over the lease term. 2022-23 SGI CANADA Annual Report 47
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