Life of Young Syrians Post-Conflict
Syria, Lebanon, Germany
Data collection: mixed method
Lebanon: Face to face interviews
Syria: Telephone interviews based
Germany: Telephone interviews
Target group: Young Syrians aged 18 to 25 currently living in Syria, Lebanon and Germany
Sample size: 800 in Syria; 400 in Lebanon and 200 in Germany
Sample type:
Syria: sample representative of Syrian population 18-25 by gender and region, excluding governorates:
Idleb, Al-Rakka, Deir-ez-Zor and Al-Quneitra based on random digital of landline phones
Lebanon: quota sample in areas known to have high density of Syrians residing there based on estimated
numbers of Syrian refugees
Germany: sample reached based on the contacts provided by respondents in Syria and Lebanon
23rd December 2020 - 20th January 2021
The interviews were collected using different sampling approaches and data collection methods which could have influence on results.
The country average presented in this report reflects the simple average of result for three countries where the survey was conducted.
Results are weighted to have country representation with equal shares (N=200 per country) and have not been adjusted to the
population size of each country. Therefore, country average is not intended to suggest a total result but the average result across three
country settings.
5 - Young Syrians
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