Investor Presentaiton
GP Investments
Proven and Experienced Execution Team
GP Investments is managed by a group of highly experienced professionals, with strong reputation in the private equity
Octávio Lopes
(12 years at GP)
Carlos Medeiros
(10 years at GP)
Antonio Bonchristiano
(16 years at GP)
Fersen Lambranho
(11 years at GP)
MD and Co-CEO
MD and Co-CEO
Marcio Trigueiro
(7 years at GP)
Eduardo Alcalay
(3 years at GP)
Danilo Gamboa
(5 years at GP)
Thiago Rodrigues
(3 years at GP)
Allan Hadid
(2 years at GP)
MD and CFO
5 investment associates in Brazil and 2 investment associates in Mexico
Back-Office Team (29)
➤ 15 investment professionals including GP Managing Directors (MDs)
➤ Solid academic credentials and significant expertise in the private equity and financial industries
Combined experience of the MDs of over 60 years at GP
➤ Several MDs with significant management experience in operational day-to-day of companies
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