2013 Annual Report
Indicators Consolidation
The rate of new suppliers hired based on environmental
criteria, labor laws, human rights and impacts on society
G4-EN32 G4-LA14 G4-HR10 G4-S09
At Santander Brazil, 100% of suppliers are selected
based on social/environmental criteria (including issues
such as labor laws, human rights, and impacts on society),
to the extent that throughout the approval process, any
bidders in bidding where this item is applicable must be
compliant with the RFQ, with these requirements being
included as a clause in the supply agreement.
Actual and potential material impacts in the supplier
chain and action taken about it G4-EN33 G4-LA15 G4-HR11
High-impact suppliers go through the same process as
described above (the Control and Assessment Mechanisms).
In 2013, from the 1.515 active suppliers, 293 underwent
impact assessments, i.e., approximately 20%.
In case of a new high-impact supplier, a compliance visit
is scheduled by specialists, based on the Self-Assessment
questionnaire filled out by the supplier and submitted at
the beginning of the assessment process. The questionnaire
(IQF) generates a rating (varying between 1 and 4); in case
the rating is below 2, the firm is considered unfit to be
hired and its records are blocked. However, if the manager
in the area in charge of the contract is interested in hiring
the supplier, he/she will seek authorization so that the
approval process proceeds. In addition, the area should
take on the commitment to request an action plan for
improvements from the supplier. The approval process
is updated on a regular basis; in the case of business
critical suppliers, the update is done on an annual basis.
The benchmarks used in the process to identify adequate
suppliers are the Global Compact and the ISE.
Beginning in 2014, any suppliers deemed as with a high
social/environmental impact will be included in the approval
process that requires the application of the IQF.
No contracts were suspended in 2013.
Operations and suppliers identified as having significant
risk for incidents of forced, child or bonded labor and
actions taken G4-HR5 G4-HR6
High-impact suppliers are subjected to compliance
inspection visits. These visits, performed by specialists,
reveal whether or not the supplier has in place adequate
labor practices. In 2013 the visits did not detect any
evidence of irregularities in connection with forced,
child or bonded labor.
In order to contribute with the eradication of child
labor, the Bank requires that the hiring of suppliers
deemed as high-impact includes documents that deal
with the topic such as clauses in services and supply
agreements. For other agreements, we use a simplified
clause that deals with social/environmental items.
This clause was updated in 2013.
In addition, it encourages suppliers to embrace the
Global Compact principles. New suppliers also sign
a declaration to the effect that they do not use child
labor and bonded labor.
Considering the above mechanisms, no cases of bonded
or forced labor were detected during the year.
The Anti-Corruption item, in charge of the Compliance Office, is material
to the Bank because it is associated with the compliance with both laws and
the Organization's ethical principles; it also represents both a reputational
and a financial risk.
At Santander we believe that transparent bank practices strengthen the
relationship with our investors and clients; it helps identify and manage
any potential conflicts of interest, while ensuring that any investments
made by the bank are not treated as bribery.
Impacts A strong governance that prevents the involvement of the Bank
in corruption cases contributes to the Bank's image as an honorable company,
recognized by both the market and the society at large.
The opposite would lead to loss of trust among stakeholders while increasing
the risk of reputational damage and financial loss via fines and sanctions.
In order to minimize negative impacts while highlighting positive impacts
Santander has in place special policies that are communicated to employees,
including training sessions on the action against corruption. In addition,
It has a Compliance team that is dedicated to areas with a relationship
with the sector; the Service Channel in Compliance to guide employees with
information and clarification; a Reporting Channel for inadequate behavior,
corruption and bribery, to name a few. The Bank has also a process to verify
any participation of the Bank's Board members in requests for sponsoring,
in order to identify any potential conflicts of interest. We are also committed
to ensuring the applicability of Anticorruption Act 12.846/13 in cases of
corruption by the Executive Committee or Compliance. In terms of the
governmental sector, the Bank acts via specific areas to service the sector
in order to ensure good practices to promote integrity in the deals.
142 Annual Report 2013
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