Standalone Financial & Market Overview slide image

Standalone Financial & Market Overview

Consolidated P&L Statement LUMAX Particulars (Rs. in Crores.) Q2 FY20 Q2 FY19 YOY H1 FY20 H1 FY19 Manufacturing Revenue 385.84 499.59 -22.77% 776.88 967.72 YOY -19.72% Molds Revenue 43.19 5.19 54.17 18.97 Total Operating Revenue (Net of Excise duty) 429.03 504.78 -15.01% 831.05 986.69 -15.77% Other Income 1.18 1.08 2.27 1.47 Total Income 430.21 505.86 -14.96% 833.32 988.16 -15.67% Raw Material 267.65 335.17 515.62 653.86 Employee Expenses 53.20 55.40 106.34 109.17 Other Expenses 65.57 73.67 128.18 142.61 EBITDA 43.79 41.62 5.20% 83.19 82.52 0.81% EBITDA Margin 10.18% 8.23% 9.98% 8.35% Depreciation 15.88 13.81 31.07 27.11 Finance Cost 5.01 3.68 9.65 6.76 PBT before Exceptional items & share of profit/ 22.89 24.13 -5.12% 42.46 48.65 -12.72% (loss) of associate Profit from Associates 3.58 1.83 6.68 5.07 Profit before Tax 26.47 25.96 1.95% 49.14 53.72 -8.51% Tax 6.38 5.09 12.50 12.80 PAT 20.08 20.87 -3.78% 36.64 40.91 -10.44% PAT margin 4.67% 4.13% 4.40% 4.14% EPS 21.48 22.33 39.20 43.77 # Numbers updated as per IND-AS 51 554
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