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Investor Presentaiton

Employment Number Mean Range Total Members of designated groups employed in 2014 (included in the full- time, part-time, FTE, Seasonal and contract counts) 15.4 0-500 1,598 Full-time (work 30+ hrs per week) 13.4 0-400 1,304 Part-time (work<30hrs per week) 4.9 0-135 471 Seasonal employees (30 or more hours per week for more than 2 weeks but less than 8 months) in 2014 2.9 0-100 278 FTE (Estimate) 15.2 0-425 1,471 Freelance and contract workers (hired for a specific project or term) in 1.5 0-40 151 2014 Volunteers (incl. unpaid interns, etc) who worked 10 or more hrs/month in 2014 17.7 0-500 1,415 Volunteers (incl. unpaid interns, etc) who worked less than 10hrs/month 402.9 0-29,000 32,631 in 2014
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