Annual Report 2019
Central Bank security and business continuity: In light
of the global trends in information security, in 2019 the Central Bank
emphasized the need to maintain a framework for developed and
effective cybersecurity in the financial system in Armenia. In order to
neutralize cyber threats in this direction, work was done to establish a
connection center with the MISP (Malware Information Sharing
Platform) system, and required human, technical and financial
resources were allocated.
In 2019 further work was done to create a response center to
incidents of cybersecurity in the financial sector.
Knowledge and human resources: To encourage
personnel's lifelong education and development, in 2019 the Central
Bank offered its employees opportunities for their professional
development, including by way of sharing in-house knowledge and
experience with co-workers/colleagues. As of 2019, there were 64
employees who earned international qualification in financial,
accounting, auditing, insurance, information technology areas.
By the end of the year, the Central Bank's employees numbered
778 of whom 425 women and 353 men, with an average age of 41.
During the year, 62 employees left the Bank.
Communication and accountability: As part of ensuring
transparency in fulfilling the primary objectives, the Central Bank
communicated its actions, programs and initiatives in the field of
implementing monetary policy, financial supervision and maintaining
financial stability to the financial market participants and the public.
Discussions were held on various issues of interest. Special attention
was paid to advising people to use caution about organizations that
operate illegally and/or about such activities that contain elements of
essential risk.
The documentary "Dramapatum" (narrative of the Armenian.
currency) presenting the history of money circulation in Armenia was
made and televised in 2019.
ANNUAL REPORT 2019View entire presentation