Drilling Results and Exploration Update slide image

Drilling Results and Exploration Update

2019 Honpi Drilling 1 Hole 190MI-010 encountered a remarkable 21 mineralized veins. Hole ID From (m) To (m) Length (m) Au (gpt) Ag (gpt) Au eq (gpt) 190MI-010 0.00 3.00 3.00 27.00 40.50 27.54 18.75 19.85 1.10 2.60 2.80 2.64 36.30 36.98 0.68 3.20 13.50 3.38 62.00 64.30 2.30 3.80 55.90 4.55 108.95 110.00 1.05 14.10 37.60 14.60 117.00 118.10 1.10 29.60 36.50 30.09 including 117.00 117.30 0.30 96.50 65.70 97.38 123.40 125.70 2.30 2.30 22.60 2.60 139.15 148.90 9.75 1.30 60.60 2.11 207.02 208.15 1.13 1.00 128.00 2.71 223.50 224.50 1.00 0.90 132.00 2.66 259.30 259.90 0.60 4.10 13.90 4.29 343.00 344.00 1.00 3.00 10.20 3.14 348.00 348.57 0.57 6.70 501.90 13.39 353.80 355.77 1.97 4.80 29.00 5.19 368.29 369.32 1.03 5.30 64.30 6.16 401.30 404.90 3.60 2.30 211.50 5.12 406.70 407.80 1.10 2.50 161.00 4.65 419.58 423.35 3.77 12.30 84.50 13.43 including 422.08 422.70 0.62 38.50 128.00 40.21 427.00 428.00 1.00 2.70 5.30 2.77 453.90 455.10 1.20 7.80 887.50 19.63 including 454.80 455.10 0.30 516.00 517.00 1.00 26.20 3.10 2970.00 166.00 65.80 5.31 Au Eq = Au (gpt) + Ag (gpt)/75 2023 | Irving Resources CNX: IRV | OTCQX: IRVRF 1. Refer to the Company's news release dated December 17, 2019. 24
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