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Investor Presentaiton

STATU Off-grid renewables growth has been slowing down The growth in off-grid solar PV and micro-hydro power plants has been slowing down over years. Although there is ample opportunity to electrify rural areas by using off-grid renewables systems, Indonesia has no regulations that specifically opt for development off-grid renewables. PLN is still using the same approach by extending the grid to electrify rural areas, which is more expensive than using distributed renewables. Around 90% of bioenergy power plants in Indonesia are off-grid. By 2017, the off-grid bioenergy (biogas, biomass, and waste) power plants contributed to 18% of total renewable power plants in the country while the growth in off-grid solar PV and mini/microhydro power plants was decent. The 2018-2037 RUKN (draft) aims to reduce the oil share in electricity generation to maximum 1% in 2025. In 2017, Indonesia had 2.5 GW of diesel power plants which generated 18.5 GWh of electricity, counting for 7% of total generation in that year. 100 80 60 60 40 40 20 0 Off-grid power plant installed capacity (MW) 1660 ° ° 1650 о 1640 1630 1620 1610 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 --Mini/microhydro --Solar PV --Bioenergy (right axis) Data Source:: Lakin ESDM 2013-2017 1.643 MW Bioenergy 79 MW Solar PV 88 MW Mini/micro-hydro IESR (Institute for Essential Services Reform) | 9
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