Investor Presentaiton
APA Group
Member since 2001
I started and completed my accounting degree as a mature age student and was fortunate to have employment with a
company that both valued and encouraged further education. My leader and mentor, as a CPA, was an excellent role model
and provided insight into the benefits of becoming a CPA, both for career advancement and to broaden my skills and
expertise. As a late starter in the accounting profession, I was keen to make up for lost time and gaining my CPA
qualification, investing in myself, was a significant step in this process.
I am proud to be a CPA. My CPA has significantly impacted my career, I would not have my current role without this
qualification. It has provided rewarding opportunities and work variety that would otherwise not be achievable, and this in
turn has greatly increased my personal satisfaction and enjoyment throughout my career. Thank you CPA!
I enjoyed working with numbers and had strong analytical skills. Accounting seemed a natural choice, reflecting my
preferences. I considered a start in accounting as an excellent basis, transferrable to a multitude of careers paths. Now, I
have a job I greatly enjoy. I work for a company that I am proud of. I am pleased with what I have achieved.
and encourage of
I value my CPA and encourage others to consider the potential rewards for the hard work in gaining the qualification. 50
years in the Territory is a terrific achievement and one that I am proud to celebrate with others.
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