Covered Bonds Key Facts slide image

Covered Bonds Key Facts

Cover Pool Detail (2) Seasoning [months] < 12 >=12 <24 >=24<36 >=36 <60 >=60 Number of Loans % Current Balance 1086 3,50% 2 778 018 426 2 280 7,36% 4 822 650 166 3 399 10,96% 6 741 976 551 9 000 29,03% 15 763 846 377 15 234 49,14% 19 821 602 344 Distribution by volume [CZK] Number of Loans % 0 <= 500.000 4 630 14,94% >500.000 <= 1.000.000 >1.000.000 <= 1.500.000 6932 22,36% 6060 19,55% >1.500.000 <= 2.000.000 4525 14,60% >2.000.000 <= 2.500.000 3 264 10,53% >2.500.000 <= 3.000.000 >3.000.000 <= 5.000.000 2 167 6,99% 2 789 9,00% >5.000.000 <= 10.000.000 576 1,86% >10.000.000 <= 50.000.000 56 0,18% > 50.000.000 0 0,00% Principal Payment Frequency Number of Loans Monthly Bullet 30 860 126 Other 13 Current Balance ☑ Raiffeisen BANK Client inspired banking % 5,56% 9,66% 13,50% 31,57% 39,70% % 1 454 349 133 2,91% 5 196 455 402 10,41% 7 527 065 342 15,08% 7 865 403 615 15,75% 7 306 038 286 14,63% 5 916 656 735 11,85% 10 265 456 505 20,56% 3 649 836 019 7,31% 746 832 827 1,50% 0 0,00% % Current Balance % 99,55% 49 800 495 041 99,74% 0,41% 111 244 237 0,04% 16 354 587 0,22% 0,03% Geographical Distribution Prague The South Moravian Region Number of Loans % Current Balance % 5107 16,47% 11 793 097 395 3749 12,09% 5 858 644 415 The South Bohemia Region 2108 6,80% 2 870 727 346 23,62% 11,73% 5,75% The Karlovy Vary Region 691 2,23% 734 259 548 1,47% The Vysočina Region 837 2,70% 1 022 352 814 2,05% The Hradec Králové Region 1048 3,38% 1 476 535 775 2,96% The Liberec Region 1495 4,82% 2 074 173 822 4,15% The Moravian-Silesian Region 3087 9,96% 4 259 015 663 8,53% The Olomouc Region 1512 4,88% 2 080 992 301 4,17% The Pardubice Region 1410 4,55% 1 976 972 057 3,96% The Pilsen Region 1450 4,68% 1 939 734 142 3,89% The Central Bohemia Region 5405 17,44% 10 056 410 611 20,14% The Zlín Region 1187 3,83% 1 580 126 311 3,16% The Usti Region 1913 6,17% 2 205 051 665 4,42% 6
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