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Investor Presentaiton

少 Green-tech community Strengthening and supporting the industry and existing key players FUTURE HUB_ GREEN TECH CLUSTER ClimAccelerator Fosters the open innovation conversation by helping sustainability & impact start-up teams fill the gaps in knowledge, skills & network. Focuses on startups and and Green Tech community in the Baltic and Nordic regions. Developed for cross-sectoral cooperation bringing together companies, educational and research institutions, as well as other organizations that partly or fully operate in the industries of green and smart technologies. Cluster includes mechanical engineering, ICT and space technology, energy-efficient buildings and production, environmentally friendly raw materials. Delivered by cleantech experts and tailored to support start-ups in the region. ClimAccelerator helps you scale your solution and take your venture globally, attracting potential investors and vastly expanding your reach. Sharing a vision of contributing to a green and sustainable future, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Slovakia are joining their efforts to boost the development and deal flow of cleantech start-ups. LIAA - All rights reserved - 2021 36
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