Future of Case Management Supports
HCBS Waivers and Case Management
Currently, the HCBS waiver a person chooses to pursue determines the
type of case management agency they will go to.
Single Entry Point (SEP) Agency
Serves waivers targeted to
individuals without an IDD
Brain Injury Waiver (BI)
Community Mental Health
Supports Waiver (CMHS)
• Elderly, Blind and Disabled
Waiver (EBD)
Spinal Cord Injury Waiver
• Children With Life Limiting
Illness Waiver (CLLI)
Community Centered Board
(CCB) Agency
Serves waivers targeted to
individuals with an IDD
Developmental Disabilities
Waiver (DD)
Supported Living Services
Waiver (SLS)
• Children's Extensive
Support Waiver (CES)
• Children's Habilitation
Residential Program
Waiver (CHRP)
Private Case Management
Serves children with significant
medical needs
Children's Home and
Community Based Services
Waiver (CHCBS)
Department of Health Care
Policy & Financing
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