Investor Presentaiton
Key developments in 2014
✓ MOEX infrastructure performed well during turbulent periods
Volatility spiked in March, October and December - performance proved soundness of risk-management
systems amidst challenging environments
■ MOEX strives to ensure uninterrupted trading, clearing and settlement during periods of particularly high
✓ International Central Securities Depositories (Euroclear and Clearstream) launched services for
Russian corporate bonds and equities
Corporate bonds became eligible for ICSDS settlement services from 1 January 2014 and equities from 1
July 2014
✓ MOEX completed reforms to the listing process, simplifying the quotation list structure and also
strengthening listing requirements for issuers
New listing rules are based on a new Corporate Governance Code adopted in 2014
National Settlement Depository (NSD) initiated a corporate action reform programme to make
corporate actions by Russian companies electronic and eliminate cumbersome paperwork for
✓ MOEX now has one of the highest free-floats among Russian issuers - more than 50%
■ The CBR placed to the market USD 469 mln (stake of 11.7%) in MOEX, which led to an increase in the
Dispersed ownership with no controlling shareholder
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