State of the Bangladesh Economy in FY2023-24 (First Reading)
Independent Review of
Bangladesh's Development
Recommendations for the upcoming medium and long term revenue
strategy (MLTRS)
IMF conditionalities concerning public finance relevant for FY2024 (Continued)
Government to adopt a national disaster risk financing strategy The government will develop a National Disaster Risk
while integrating social assistance measures (RM)
By June 2024
Adoption of Medium-Term Revenue Strategy
Financing strategy that integrates social assistance measures.
In consultation with international development partners, NBR
is formulating a Medium and Long-Term Revenue Strategy
(MLTRS) that will provide a comprehensive framework to
improve revenue collection over the next 4-6 years.
Expand coverage and benefit level of social safety net programs The government will continue to follow the Action Plan to
and enhance delivery efficiency
Publish fiscal risk statement, covering major risks from SOES,
guarantees and Public Private Partnerships (PPP) as part of
FY2025 budget documentation
Implement Bangladesh's National Social Security Strategy,
which covers the period FY2021-2026. Also, the Universal
Pension Scheme (UPS) was officially launched on August 17,
The Medium-Term Macroeconomic Policy Statement (MTMPS)
for FY2025-2027 will cover major risks from selected SOES,
guarantees and PPP, as well as quantitative analysis of macro-
fiscal risks related to climate change and natural disasters.
CPD (2023): State of the Bangladesh Economy in FY2023-24 (First Reading)
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