Unilever I I I #5. SUSTAINABILITY AT OUR CORE ULI 75% of our Brands are over-indexed in attribute of "bringing positive impact to environment and society (Kantar Worldpanel - SLP Attribute) Improve People's Health Confidence and Wellbeing Improve the Health of the Planet Contribute to a Fairer, More Socially Inclusive World SINCE 1972 Royco Untuk memulai Unilever merawat kebersihan diri sendiri, Sekolah Sehat memberikan edukasi: Collect & Process Rinso Waste Cuci Tangan Lauk 1/3 dari setengah piring Pakai Sabun Buah 1/3 dari setengah piring sekolah Ayo hidup sehat deng Makanan Pokok 2/3 dari setengah piring Sayuran 2/3 dari setengah piring Sikat Gigi Pagi dan Malam LANG Glow& Lovely BINTANG BEASISWA B20 Unilever SAMPAH DAUR ULANG PLASTIK BISA JADI KEMASAN RINSO! Ada 2 tanda di kemasan daur ulang Rinso yang sudah terakreditasi! Rinso HEMATU CAATTIN HAS ULANG Rinso Glow & Lovely Bintang Beasiswa 2022 Pendaftaran Telah Dibuka! O Cek sekarang di www.kelasberbagicerah.com Presiden Direktur Unilever Indonesia Pimpin B20 Women in Business Action Council (WIBAC) Dorong Percepatan Pemberdayaan Perempuan untuk Kemajuan Ekonomi Global EVENT: WOMEN Accele ing Women M BUSINESS ACT e Ind G' Eco • 100 million nutritious plates since 2019. School Health Program: 15 million+ students in 58,000+ schools since 2016. • 29k ton plastic waste collected through waste banks in 2022. • 34k ton plastic waste transformed into Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) in 2022. Glow & Lovely scholarship for 330 young women since 2017. Drive equal opportunities for women through leadership for Women in Business Action Council (WIBAC), a legacy project of B20.
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