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Investor Presentaiton

labor practices and work ethics INDICATOR LA10 Average hours of training per year per employee broken down by employee category and gender. CONTENT Training investment • Classroom •Distance learning Total trained associates (including associates not with the company) and unit openings 2012 MEXICO 2012 CAM 2013 MEXICO 2013 CAM %W %M %W %M 91.3 Face-to-fa- 23,218 Man-hours 132,109 93.2 4.6 ce Partici- pation. 86.6 CBL parti- cipation 41,863 Man-hours 211,586 54.44 4.7 Total 65,081 343,695 38.81 Associ Participa- Hours ates tion Learning 310,757 Center 55 45 are included. 212,444 54 46 21,775 44,415 127,862 • Man-hours (million) Training 4.54 2.61 0.12 Man- Hours hours per associate Clasifica tion Participa- Hours tion per asso- ciate Man- Hours hours per Partici- Participa- Hours pants tion per asso- associate ciate •Senior management level 5,520 12.1 Opera- tional 45,557 40 4,084 29.5 28 59 539.0 •Management level 898,315 86.9 Non opera- tional 19,524 25 698,814 119.2 917 4,938 25,861.0 •Department management level •Hourly 841,020 26.2 2,793,294 17.3 409,183 1,496,216 13.1 1,809 7,307 29,960.0 8.7 16,379 32,111.0 71,502.0 LA11 Programs for Associa- %W %M Associa- %W %M skills management and tes tes Associ- ates %W %M Associ- %W %M ates continuous learning. Total number of permanent associates 204,887 52 48 30,104 41 59 203,892 53 Promotions 22,936 49 51 3,674 34 66 22,750 50 Universal Talent Base (BUT), non- management associates 17,883 53 47 ND ND ND 21,789 55 484 47 30,541 41 59 50 3,459 45 금업 67 33 NA • Promoted associates part of the Talent Base 3,487 48 62 52 ND ND ND 5,644 52 48 NA ⚫% vs. total Talent Base 19 % vs. total promotions 15 Top Talent 421 29 14 71 54 35 65 69 26 25 435 34 66 53 0 NA NA 8 66 (TT: accelerated development plans) ⚫TT associates promoted 49 30.6 69.4 % vs. total TT 12 36 % vs. total promotions 0.2 0.1 Top Talent women 122 66.6 33 43 28.6 71.4 6 1 50.0 10 11 0.2 vs. total 0.2 promo- vs. exe- cutive 25 tions CAM promo- tions: 19 149 18 2013 Financial and Social Responsibility Report 112
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