FY22 Results - Investor Presentation slide image

FY22 Results - Investor Presentation

Islamic Banking | Islamic Banking Income Statement YoY Growth 11% ▼(4%) 19% ▲ 1% 89% >100% 47% RM' mil Total Income Expenses PBP Impairment PBT Tax & Zakat PATZ FY22 1,032 285 747 507 240 52 188 FY21 927 297 630 503 127 (1) 128 FY22 PATZ FY21 PATZ Positive growth in FY22 Contraction in FY22 Balance Sheet (RM' mil/%) Key Ratios FY21 FY22 YTD Change FY21 FY22 YTD Change Gross Financing¹ 35,240 39,347 12% GIF Ratio¹ 1.74% 1.60% (14bps) Gross Impaired Financing 613 629 3% CTI 32.0% 27.6% (440bps) Customer Deposits 41,733 37,590 (10%) Financing Loss Coverage 1,2 108.0% 114.3% 630bps CASA 12,709 14,446 14% ROA 0.26% 0.36% 10bps 1. 2. Reclassified unrated bonds/sukuk from loans to financial investments, with comparative figures restated accordingly Includes Regulatory Reserve AmBank Group FY22 Results - Investor Presentation 42
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