Village Law Implementation and Rural Development slide image

Village Law Implementation and Rural Development

TNP2K WHY IS PNPM MANDIRI PNPM helps to reduce poverty through: 1. Infrastructure development for the improvement of basic services. 2. Creation of economic activities and local employment. 3. Mitigate the impact of disaster/crisis. 4. Increased community participation in governance. Participatory process to facilitate the empowerment of the poor/marginalized Allocation of funds directly to the local community Transparent and open system, with guidance and oversight/audit by the community SOCIAL CAPITAL (cohesion, trust, mutual cooperation) SOCIAL GROUPS (UPK, BKM, BumDes) ACCESS (Basic services, information, finance) COMMUNITY INDEPENDENT, DEVELOPED, AND PROSPER TIM NASIONAL PERCEPATAN PENANGGULANGAN KEMISKINAN 6
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