NORD/LB Group Presentation slide image

NORD/LB Group Presentation

9M2023 Results Operationally profitable - non-operating items less relevant 9M2023, in €m 1,035 (p.y. 847) -706 (p.y. -721) -34 (p.y. 98) -42 (p.y. -192) 253 (p.y. 31) 328 (p.y. 126) Operating revenues¹ Expenses² Operating profit before risk provisioning and non- operating Items Risk provisions Non-operating items Earnings before taxes 30 Sep 23 Total revenues excl. non- operating items Administrative expenses plus expenses from restructuring and transformation Incl. €41m allocation to management adjustment³ Positive 3Q effect from investments offset by certain fair value effects 1 Income excluding interest rate-related and valuation-related effects as well as one-off and recurring effects that are not related to the original banking business 2 Administrative expenses and result from restructuring and transformation 3 Additional allocation related to Management Adjustment as of 31 Dec 2022 Note: Minor deviations may occur due to roundings Finanzgruppe 21 NORD/LB
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