Breakthrough: Sustainable Peace and Prosperity for All slide image

Breakthrough: Sustainable Peace and Prosperity for All

Disarmament Agenda (2019) Indicated interconnection between disarmament and the SDGs - Disarmament and arms control reduce the impact of conflict on human health. - Regulating arms and ammunition can reduce violence against women and girls. - Remnants of war, the test and use of nuclear weapons leave contamination and disastrous environmental consequences. - For achieving the SDGs, it is critical to mobilize sufficient resources in support of disarmament and arms regulation is critical. Our Common Agenda (2021) - - QUALITY EDUCATION GENDER EQUALITY 15 ON LAND 14 LIFE BELOW WATER 17 PARTNERSHIPS FOR THE GOALS Aimed to accelerate the implementation of the SDGs - "New Agenda for Peace" will be further discussed and implemented in near future. As one of six core areas, strategic risk reduction is called for with stronger commitments to non-use and non-proliferation of nuclear weapons - A time frame for the elimination of nuclear weapons to be established. Discussion Point Interconnections between issues of security (including nuclear weapons) and sustainability (achieving the SDGs)
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