Strong Bidding Pipeline slide image

Strong Bidding Pipeline

SKIPPER BUSINESS OUTLOOK Limited PERFORMANCE OUTLOOK Covid Lockdown impact is more of a Revenue deferment for us rather than revenue loss, Any Revenue Shortfall on account of this will be made up in subsequent quarter; None of our projects got cancelled neither faced any significant deferment. Company expects to clock annual revenue growth of 10 % in FY'21 on back of strong execution of export contracts in H2 FY'21 and strong polymer segment performance; added 10% more workforce post covid to support strong execution pressure ahead. Desired EBITDA margin focus of 11-12% for Fy'21. Focus on mechanisation and automation along with several cost reduction initiatives to further improve efficiency in operations and aid to stable margins Implementation of TOC in both Engineering and Polymer business to significantly improve its working capital cycle and bottom-line profitability Expect good traction in International TL orders, While pending domestic TL ordering bids are expected to get awarded by Q3/Q4 FY 21 Continuing efforts to further strengthen the international T&D order book; Positioned to grow exports to 50% of revenue in next 2 years
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