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Investor Presentaiton

Balance sheet - Liabilities and equity Deposits are increasing in the funding mix . Strong equity position and a very high leverage ratio Dividend payment of ISK 10.0 billion in March 2020 cancelled as well as share-buy back program The Bank is a frequent issuer of covered bonds in the domestic market and a regular issuer of senior unsecured in the international market. Increase in borrowings during the quarter is primarily due to weaker ISK against foreign currencies Deposits increased by 9.4% from YE 2019 - continued focus on deposits going forward The Bank issued its first AT1 instrument during the quarter (USD 100 million or ISK 13 billion) and has previously issued a number of Tier 2 subordinated bonds in line with its capital strategy The funding mix is well balanced between deposits, covered bonds and senior unsecured bonds Equity CET1 ratio 22.5% Capital adequacy ratio 27.5% Leverage ratio 14.5% Borrowings (in ISK) ISK 150 billion EUR 134 billion Other currencies 38 billion Deposits On demand 70% Up to 3M 16% More than 3M 14% 9.4% increase from 31.03.2019 24 21 All amounts in ISK billion 31.03.2020 31.12.2019 31.03.2019 ISK 1,188 billion ISK 1,082 billion ISK 1,222 billion 184 193 190 97 78 7 36 68 20 ■ Covered bonds 445 46% 322 54% 305 ■ Senior unsec. bonds 8 6 9 5% ■Individuals 20% 539 493 490 Corporates 48% 27% ■ Pension funds & domestic fin. institutions ■ Other " Deposits Due to credit institutions and Central Bank Borrowings ▪ Subordinated liabilities Other liabilities Equity 1 Other includes Financial liabilities at fair value, tax liabilities, Liabilities associated with disposal groups held for sale and Other liabilities *
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