(R)Evolution 2009-2050: Transforming Energy slide image

(R)Evolution 2009-2050: Transforming Energy

Alberta power market Demand has recovered from COVID-19 pandemic and low oil prices Alberta Internal Load (30-day rolling average) (MW) 11,000 10,500 10,000 WHO 9,500 declares COVID19 a 9,000 pandemic 8,500 8,000 31-Jan 28-Feb 31-Mar Source: AESO, Capital Power 30-Apr 31-May 2019 7.2% decline 30-Jun -2020-2021 4.5% increase 6.8% increase 31-Jul 31-Aug 30-Sep 31-Oct 30-Nov 31-Dec Largest 2020 vs. 2019 yoy decline in power demand was 7.2% due to COVID-19 pandemic and low crude oil prices Demand in 2021 shows full recovery from pandemic load decrease in 2020 Weather is a major driving factor in seasonal demand New all-time summer and winter record demand set in 2021 Current load remains strong and is expected to continue to increase modestly yoy 12
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