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Investor Presentaiton

ANNUAL INTEGRATED REPORT 2021 | AXTEL = or fair value through other comprehensive (loss) income, since i) they have a business model different to those that seek to collect contractual cash flows, or collect contractual cash flows and sell the financial assets, or otherwise ii) the generated cash flows are not solely payments of principal and interest on the amount of outstanding principal. Despite the above classifications, the Company can make the following irrevocable elections in the initial recognition of a financial asset: a. Disclose the subsequent changes in the fair value of an equity instrument in other comprehensive (loss) income, only if such investment (in which no significant influence, joint control or control is maintained) is not held for trading purposes, that is, a contingent consideration recognized as a result of a business combination. b. Assign a debt instrument to be measured at fair value in profit or loss, if as a result it eliminates or significantly reduces an accounting mismatch that would arise from the measurement of assets or liabilities or the recognition of profits and losses on them in different bases. As of December 31, 2021, 2020 and 2019, the Company has not made any of the irrevocable designations described above. Impairment of financial assets The Company uses a new impairment model based on expected credit losses rather than losses incurred, applicable to financial assets subject to such assessment (i.e. financial assets measured at amortized cost and at fair value through other comprehensive (loss) income), as well as lease receivables, contract assets, certain written loan commitments, and financial guarantee contracts. The expected credit losses on these financial assets are estimated from the initial recognition of the asset at each reporting date, using as a reference the past experience of the Company's credit losses, adjusted for factors that are specific to the debtors or groups of debtors, the general economic conditions and an assessment of both, the current management and the forecast of future conditions. a. Trade accounts receivables The Company adopted a simplified expected loss calculation model, through which expected credit losses during the accounts payable's lifetime are recognized. The Company carries out an analysis of its portfolio of accounts receivable from clients, in order to determine if there are significant clients for whom it requires an individual evaluation; on the other hand, customers with similar characteristics that share credit risks (participation in the portfolio of accounts receivable, market type, sector, geographic area, etc.), are grouped to be evaluated collectively. In its impairment assessment, the Company may include indications that the debtors or a group of debtors are experiencing significant financial difficulties, as well as observable data indicating that there is a significant decrease in the estimate of the cash flows to be received, including delays. 124 124
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