Travel and Financial Services Ecosystem Investment Pitch slide image

Travel and Financial Services Ecosystem Investment Pitch

1 Cohesive travel services ecosystem Business Segments - Travel 2 Resilient financial profile 3 Solid platform for future growth Outbound Outbound business comprises of Leisure Outbound, E- business of TCIL, SOTC, Kuoni Hong Kong and TC Travel B2C Domestic Domestic Travel comprises of domestic focussed activities of TCIL & SOTC Visa Caters to corporate clients, walk-ins & package tour clients, innovative technical and on-the-ground processes MICE Caters to the rising demand for new destinations and experiential offerings 23% 3% 2% Revenue Mix - FY18 4% 39% Comprises the Inbound Travel business conducted under TCI and SITA brands B2B Corporate Travel Focused on corporate customers utilizing the online Booking Tool-Click2Book India DMS (Inbound) International DMS Comprises of DMS Entities which are Asian Trails, Desert Adventures, Private Safari (SA), Private Safari (EA), Allied T Pro and Luxe Asia 16% 14% Outbound Domestic Others Inbound MICE Corporate Travel DMS In accordance with Ind AS, revenue reporting for leisure travel (inbound, outbound, DMS, MICE, domestic) is recognized on gross basis and whilst corporate travel (with gross margin of 7%) is reported on net basis Thomas Travel Smooch 6 Cook thomascook In
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