Investor Presentaiton
Do you have a December 31, 2021 projection for what the Company believes the December 31, 2021 Canadian dollar Brazil Rias exchange rate will be? At year end last year
it was $0.245, with today reporting $0.24. If not a spot price, do you have a range estimate, or even a directional estimate?
Your licence application for Plant 2 seeks approval for a "Formulation of balanced feed and prepared feed for animals". Can you explain what additional processing you are
considering beyond Greensand?
Can you provide details of what was acquired for $539,000 ($119,000 in Q1 and $410,000 in Q2) as an addition to the non-depreciable land and building account in note 5?
Can you provide details of what was acquired for $157,000 ($95,000 in Q1 and $62,000 in Q2) as an addition to the depreciable computer equipment account in note 5?
Any news on the 2.5m ton license? When is that expected and how confident are you in that timing? Is there a chance that the 480k TPY permit will be maxed out before
the 2.5M TPY is awarded?
Are you aware of what other Green fertiliser start-ups are there in completion (small disruptive companies, not big competitors such as Mosaic), and how heavily are you
investing in Research and Development to stay ahead with the best product?
Can you provide details of what was acquired for $141,000 as an addition to Mineral Properties during the first half of 2021 as disclosed in note 6?
Given that the product costs roughly 6x as much in fuel to deliver, when compared to traditional potash, how does the company plan to increase its share of the local
market, where delivery costs are low?
Are you constantly researching and keeping watch of the latest agriscience research and developments that could threaten or alternatively be taken on by the company?
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