H1 2023 EBITDA Overview and Oyu Tolgoi Outlook slide image

H1 2023 EBITDA Overview and Oyu Tolgoi Outlook

Cash flow reconciliation H1 2023 Cash Flow (US$m) Profit after tax for the year/Underlying EBITDA Adjustments for: Taxation Finance items 1,983 Statutory cash flow Reconciling items Underlying Utilisation of provisions cash flow Close down and restoration (333) 4,947 11,728 Post-retirement benefits and other employee benefits Other provisions (115) (44) (492) 748 • Share of profit after tax of equity accounted units (431) (611)1 (1,042) Impairments 1,175 1,175 Depreciation and amortisation 2,485 Change in working capital Inventories (293) Provisions (including exchange differences on provisions) 63 29 92 Utilisation of provisions (492) (492) Trade and other receivables Trade and other payables (6) (628) Change in working capital (927) (927) (927) Other items (116) 192 76 Cash flows from consolidated operations 9,435 Dividends from EAUs 287 287 Other items Net interest paid (286) (286) Reconciling Statutory Underlying Dividends paid to non-controlling interests (46) (46) Change in non-debt Tax paid (2,415) (2,415) (73) items 112² 39 derivatives Net cash generated from operating activities 6,975 Depreciation (88) 883 transferred Purchases of PPE (3,001) Other items 2,3 45 (8) 37 Sales of PPE 8 (116) 192 76 Lease principal payments Free cash flow (213) 3,769 Rio Tinto ©2023, Rio Tinto, All Rights Reserved 1Relates to Finance items, tax, depreciation & amortisation of EAUs which is not included in Underlying EBITDA | 2Relates to exclusions not included in Underlying EBITDA | 3Part of the reconciling items include depreciation in E&E expenditure and depreciation transferred not recognised in underlying cashflows 48
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