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VUB's Market Share and Financial Services

COVERED BOND LEGISLATIVE FRAMEWORK COMPARISON Issuer Cover Assets Structure Slovakia Austria - Fundierte Bankschuldverschreibung Poland Specialized credit institution GERMAN Pfandbrief The issuer of Pfandbrief is no longer required to be a specialised bank. Any entity which is allowed to Core Capital of at least 25mn eur General Banking license Universal credit institution with a prior approval Universal credit institution with a special license Apart from the mortgage banks, also 1 state bank exercise all activities of a credit institution for activities connected with Covered Bond Programme On balance sheet-but maintained in a separate credit institution acting as fiduciary Cover assets are held for the issuer by the cover register Regulatory supervision and Supervision Authority Yes with additional requirements compared to general banking supervision regulations. Special supervision by NBS FMA (Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego) is allowed to issue covered bonds in Poland. Cover assets held on balance sheet of the issuer but are maintained in a separate cover register Yes, with additional requirements compared to general banking supervision regulations. Supervised by Polish Financial Supervision Authority (Komisja Nadzoru Finansowego, KNF) - Suitable risk management procedures Cover assets held on balance sheet of the issuer but are maintained in a separate cover register France - Société de Financement de l'Habitat SFH Licensed specialist institutions, so-called Societe de Financement de l'Habitat (SFH) At parent institution, but pledged to issuer (SFH) Transfer according to trigger event Yes, SFH is a mortgage credit institution under French Banking law Yes, use of each of the respective Pfandbrief types Supervised by French banking regulator (ACP), is subject to a license Supervised by Bundesanstalt fur Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (BaFin) Comite des Etablissements de Credit et des Entreprises d'Investissement (CECEI), Autorite des Marches Financiers (AMF) and special controller Elligible Underlying Assets Cover Pool Assets Cover Pool Geography Max LTV Residential mortgage loans, up to 30 years granted to retail customers Underlying assets, substitution assets, currency and interest rate hedging derivatives, liquid assets Slovakia Exposures to public sector entities Mortgage loans (Mortgage loans for the purpose Exposures to public sector entities, mortgage of this question are taken to include guaranteed loans (Mortgage loans for the purpose of this real-estate loans.) question are taken to include guaranteed real- estate loans.) Exposures to credit institutions Austria/EEA/Switzerland not regulated Residential and commercial mortgage loans, public-sector assets, aircraft and ship mortgages Residential property loans only Public-sector loans, residential and commercial Public sector loans, Mortgage loans, Derivatives (up to 12%), Substitute assets Residential mortgages Guaranteed home loans Securitisations (subject to certain criteria) EEA, USA, Canada, Switzerland, Japan, Australia, Asset located in the EU, the EEA or any highly New Zealand and Singapore rated country 80% EEA, OECD Substitution assets Minimum legal OC 80% Up to 10% 5% 2% Residential 80% and Commercial 60% Up to 15% 60% Up to 20% Up to 15% 10% 2%on stressed present value basis Min 5% Liquidity Securing Assets coverage test Bankruptcy of parent institution / originator(s) Natural" matching (matching without the use of off-balance sheet instruments) and stress 180 days coverage of negative balance of cash testing (Natural matching is taken to include flow from Covered Bonds Programme replacing CBS with new issues, as well as substitute assets.) Eligibility of Assets test applied daily. Coverage ratio test monthly. Yearly stress tests mandatory. Nominal cover. Daily frequency Natural" matching (matching without the use of off-Coverage by nominal value and by net-present balance sheet instruments) and stress testing (Natural matching is taken to include replacing CBS with new issues, as well as substitute assets.) over a 180 day period Nominal cover test applied daily and verifying the relation of nominal values of cover pool to covered bonds, relation of cover pool interest to covered bonds interest and level of liquidity buffer. There are additional, semi-annual tests. In case of bankruptcy of a mortgage bank the cover register shall constitute a separate Assets in the cover pool are fully segregated from the general insolvency estate of the bankrupt bank. The general insolvency trustee observes special procedures that are aimed to Covered bond creditors have preferential claim to satisfy claims of covered bondholders. The extend covered bonds' maturity in the event of bankruptcy and postpone immediate acceleration No acceleration of covered bonds on the cover assets bankruptcy estate which may be used exclusively court appoints the curator (Kurator) who represents the rights of covered bondholders. The soft-bullet maturity of the covered bonds is triggered automatically after insolvency. value required. Specific coverage of liquidity risk Liquidity maintained for the next 180 days and ability to repo own issuances Coverage is mandatory at all times Dynamic ACT, formerly 92.5% asset percentage applied to the entire pool Regulated by the issuer Assets within the cover register are exempt from bankruptcy proceedings. After the launching of the No acceleration of covered bonds insolvency proceedings, a special cover pool administrator (Sachwalter) carries out the administration of the cover assets Covered bond creditors have preferential claim on the cover assets Independent Cover Pool Monitor Yes Compliance with UCITS Yes Directive Compliance with CRD Yes standards Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 43
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