Finnvera Financial Overview slide image

Finnvera Financial Overview

Total exposure, export credit guarantees and special guarantees 31 Dec 2022 EUR 23.7 billion, including commitments and binding offers. Exposure by sector 31 Dec 2022 Cruise shipping EUR 12.3 bn (52%) Pulp and paper EUR 4.0 bn (17%) Telecommunications EUR 3.3 bn (14%) Other Europe EUR 1.3 bn (5%) EU countries EUR 6.6 bn (28%) Others* EUR 2.4 bn (10%) Mining and metals EUR 0.7 bn (3%) North America EUR 10.0 bn (42%) Middle East and North Africa EUR 0.4 bn (2%) 19 iQ I A Energy EUR 0.6 bn (2%) Other industries EUR 0.4 bn (2%) *Including other risks such as state and bank risks and reinsurance risk transfer. South and Central America EUR 3.8 bn (16%) Lo Sub-Saharan Africa EUR 0.1 bn (1%) 11 Finnvera had exposure in over 90 countries on 31 Dec 2022. அ Asia EUR 1.5 bn (6%) FINNVERA
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