Enhancing Market Position in EV Market slide image

Enhancing Market Position in EV Market

ESG Enhancement Roadmap Growing Importance of ESG ESG is considered to be a key element for sustainable growth Market participants(equity, credit, government, etc.) take ESG as a necessary criteria when making investment decisions and policies Customers make purchasing decision and assign brand value based on ESG Phase I Awareness (-2018) Report the market's interest in ESG to top management Offer ESG seminars to our Board members Open dialogue with rating & consulting firms Rank 1st place in Climate Change Actions by CDP Phase II Phase III Phase IV Initiation (-2019) Involve actively with ESG rating agencies (Sustainalytics, DJSI, MSCI) Include ESG ratings as one of CEO's KPI Share ESG matters with related departments Advancement (-2020) Organize a team in charge of overall ESG strategy Review strategic approach and set up mid-to long-term plan Coordinate with all related teams to build stronger ESG Continuing Effort (2021-) Improve ESG practice to global peer level Expand our exemplary activities to the group Maintain high scores and rankings 28 HYUNDAI
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