Investor Presentaiton
Bulk value chain
Our customers' needs drive our broader focus on Bulk logistics, which we expect to be ~$1.25bn
profit pool in ten years
Drivers for expansion out from current rail
Customers increasingly want end-to-end,
integrated solutions
Australian and global players are building end-
to-end capability
There is value from integration and taking out
friction in supply chain steps
Opportunity to aggregate and make the asset
base more efficient
Targeted methodology to estimate
profit pools across the heavy haul bulk value chain
Estimated overall bulk commodity volumes by commodity type, geography and value chain step
Exclusion of bulk volume considered not addressable (e.g. Pilbara Majors' iron ore)
Industry intelligence informed price and margin assumptions by commodity and region to give a
profit pool sizing
Basin plans informed an aspirational and path-dependent view of Aurizon's Bulk business size
~$1.25bn expected profit pool in FY30
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