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Annual Report 2018

DESENVOLVIMENTO Panel of the event "Law and Development Seminar" with STF Minister, Carmen Lúcia, and the Dean of Direito Rio, Sérgio Guerra Cam La Antunes Roch FGV DIREITO RIO swaldo Britto DIREITO RIO RIO DE JANEIRO LAW SCHOOL Dean: Sérgio Guerra Direito Rio is also a pioneer in its field of activity, having created Brazil's first Master's degree in Regulation Law. Established in 2002, Direito Rio aims to innovate in legal education, research, didactics, and the curriculum of a Law course. Its main goal is to contribute to the formation of leaders that think about Brazil in the long term. As a benchmark in teaching and research in Law, it aims to promote the academic and executive training of professionals of public and private careers. Direito Rio has its own virtual library and edits publications that address Law in a multidisciplinary way. It is also a pioneer in its field of activity, having cre- ated Brazil's first Master's degree in Regulation Law. The school operates on multiple fronts, such as undergraduate, gradu- ate and continuing education courses, as well as through research centers focusing on issues that address judicial, technological, economic, and envi- ronmental reform. It also features a degree in Law with a dual diploma in Administration, Social Sciences and Mathematics, as well as Complementary Education in Administration, Social Sciences, Economics, Mathematics, and International Relations. Panel of the event "30 Years of Constitution: Democracy, Institutions and Reality" at the FGV Cultural Center 30 ANOS DE CONSTITUIÇÃO: DEMOCRACIA, INSTITUIÇÕES E REALIDADE 30 ANOS DE CONTIMICAS DEMOCRACIA INções REAURAD OR REVITORIO CAPLE 66 COLUMBIA LAW SCHOOL COLUMBIA LAW SCHOOL CHUMBA LA SCHOOL COLUMBIA LAW SCHOOL REAL SCHOOL COMEIN LAW SCHOOL OLUMBIA LAW SCHOOL COLUMBIA LAW SCHOOL COLUMBIA LAW SCHOOL COLUMBIA LAW SCHOOL OLUMBIA LAW SCHOOL LUMBIA LAW SCHOOL COLUMBIA LAW SCHOOL COLUMBIA LAW SCHOOL COLUMBIA LAW SCHOOL COLUMBIA LAW SCHOOL COLUMBIA LAW SCHOOL COLUMBIA LAW SCHOOL LUMBIA LAW SCHOOL COLUMBIA LAW SCHOOL COLUMBIA LAW SCHOOL CUMBLA LAW SCHOOL COLUMBIA LAW SCHOOL COLUMBIA LAW SCHOOL COLUMBIA LAW SCHOOL LUMBIA LAW SCHOOL COLUMBIA LAW SCHOOL COLUMBIA LAW SCHOOL COMES Cou SCHOOL AW SCHOOL LAW SCHOOL COLU 1OOL RESERVED RESERVED COLUMBIA LAW SCHOOL COLUMBIA LAW SCHOOL LAY SCHOOL COLUMBIA LAW SCHOOL LAW SET COLUMBIA LAW SCHO HOOLDAMELOV SCHO COLUMBIA LAW SCP OL CHEERATAW'S TOLUMBIA LAV RESERVED • IN 2018 Promotion of the event "30 Anos de Constituição: Democracia, Institu- ições e Realidade" ("30 Years of Constitution: Democracy, Institutions and Reality"). Organization of the "Seminário Direito e Desenvolvimento" ("Law and De- velopment Seminar"), in Brasilia. Participation in the CLS Brazil Forum, in New York City (United States). First overall place in Brazil in the 25th Examination of the Brazilian Bar As- sociation (OAB). Maximum score in Guia do Estudante (Student Guide). Exchange program agreements with 60 renowned foreign universities, such as: Harvard, Yale, Columbia, and NYU. 243 undergraduate students. 40 master's students. More information at Panel of the event CLS Brazil Forum, with Professor Thiago Bottino, from Direito Rio RVED RESERVED Annual Report 2018 67 EDUCATION
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