JSC Atomenergoprom Annual Report slide image

JSC Atomenergoprom Annual Report

JSC ATOMENERGOPROM / ANNUAL REPORT / 32 'Green' nuclear power: contribution to climate action The Company has singled out the climate agenda as a priority both because it is an essential aspect of sus- tainable development and given the important contribution of the nuclear power industry to reducing the carbon footprint in Russia and globally. Nuclear power is characterised by one of the lowest levels of life-cycle greenhouse gas emissions among existing power generation options and plays a fundamental role in combating climate change. This fact was reflected, among other things, in the final resolution of the 27th Conference of the Parties to the Unit- ed Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP27) held in November 2022 in Sharm El Sheikh (Egypt). In addition, in 2022, a separate IAEA pavilion, #Atoms4Climate, was provided for the nuclear pow- er industry at the conference venue for the first time in the history of the COP climate conferences. ROSATOM and JSC Atomenergoprom actively participated in the Conference of the Parties to the United Na- tions Framework Convention on Climate Change, including as part of the official delegation of the Russian Federation. The highlight of the COP27 programme in 2022 was the Energy Day on 15 November, including a public discussion titled 'Nuclear Energy Contribution to the Prosperity of Africa' held on the sidelines of the conference. Its participants included speakers from Egypt, Nigeria, Ghana and South Africa. As part of an analysis of ESG requirements for nuclear power, in 2022, JSC Atomenergoprom conducted a detailed analysis of compliance of Russian nuclear technologies with the criteria established in the Com- plementary Delegated Act (CDA) to the EU Taxonomy. Compliance of Russian nuclear technologies and projects with the requirements of the EU Taxonomy has been confirmed through the following groups of criteria: confirmation of the minimum level of green- house gas emissions, safety guarantees for the NPP operation stage, commitment to closing the nuclear fuel cycle, and safe RAW and SNF management and NPP decommissioning. The findings of the analysis are publicly available on ROSATOM's website. EU Taxonomy Requirements for Nuclear Power: https://www.rosatom.ru/upload/iblock/8b0/8b0904100 471c4ccd37fe8a9f59c7110.pdf GRI 2-24 Fulfilment of responsible business commitments. Sustainable processes Organisations in the industry adhere to the uniform industry-wide Policy on Sustainable Development of ROSATOM, which sets out the objectives and key principles guiding the efforts of JSC Atomenergoprom and its organisations in the sphere of health, safety and the environment, in the social sphere and in the sphere of corporate governance. In addition, in order to systematise sustainability initiatives in the indus- try, the Company applies and regularly updates the Uniform Industry-Wide Methodological Guidelines on the Management of Sustainability Initiatives. Regulations concerning every aspect of sustainable development have been approved in the industry. They define the key principles underlying environmental, social and governance initiatives of JSC Atom- energoprom and its organisations, as well as the mechanisms for implementing these principles. These include the following documents adopted in ROSATOM and JSC Atomenergoprom and approved by ROSATOM's Director General: the Environmental Policy 17 (approved in 2017), the Social Policy 18 (approved in 2020), the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct 19 (approved in 2016), the Anti-Corruption Policy20 (approved in 2015), the Human Rights Policy (developed and approved in 2022), etc. The Company's sustainable development initiatives involve continuous process improvement, develop- ment of health, safety and environmental projects, development of a supply chain management system, as well as personnel management and development of the talent pool. Progress on various aspects of sustain- able development is monitored on a regular basis. Tools used for measuring the Company's sustainability performance include ESG indicators approved in 2022 as part of an industry-wide library of ESG indicators. These include both universal ESG metrics (such as greenhouse gas emissions, the share of recycled and re- used water, the share of women in the industry's workforce) and indicators specific to the nuclear industry, such as SNF processing volumes. Efforts to implement sustainability principles extend beyond JSC Atomenergoprom: sustainability coordi- nators have been appointed in 24 holding companies and organisations in the industry; steps are being taken to operationalise the sustainable development agenda, and the relevant action plans are being im- plemented. The Company's representatives participate in public discussions on sustainable development on Russian and international platforms. For instance, in 2022, the Company's representatives took part in discussions focused on sustainable development on platforms such as EXPO2020, COP27, SPIEF, and 'Arctic: Today and the Future'. GRI 2-25 In order to develop sustainability competences, in 2022, a face-to-face training programme on sustainable development was launched for employees in the industry at ROSATOM's Corporate Academy. Representa- tives of 46 nuclear organisations completed the training; the programme will be run on a regular basis. The sustainability section of ROSATOM's online training system, RECORD Mobile, is regularly updated. Systematic steps are taken in the industry to inform employees about sustainability priorities and objec- tives; workshops and other events are held, and employee surveys are conducted. A section titled 'Sustain- able Development' has been created on the Corporation's intranet portal; it includes a Library of Industry Sustainability Practices designed to systematise existing approaches and enable organisations in the in- dustry to share their experience. BUSINESS STRATEGY 17. https://rosatom.ru/upload/iblock/5c3/5c3ce2206d4406f2686f2e1fdec013c5.pdf 18. https://rosatom.ru/upload/iblock/278/278a5b347258378ee344cfe106806484.pdf 19. https://rosatom.ru/upload/iblock/d08/d08a5dc6dedea5cf251f81e14f8742d7.pdf 20. https://www.rosatom.ru/upload/iblock/685/68595993dc72b393b5a60aaa95548e5b.docx BUSINESS STRATEGY JSC ATOMENERGOPROM / ANNUAL REPORT / 33
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