Investor Presentaiton
Ferrero Group
Sustainability Report 2022
Diversity and inclusion
Our sustainability
Our reporting
We aim to build a diverse and
inclusive culture, where all
employees feel welcome and
appreciated, and have equal
opportunities. Diversity and inclusion
(D&I) is part of the Ferrero Group's
Strategic Plan and is key to our
business success in the next decade.
Today, we have five dimensions that support
our D&I agenda and serve as a compass in
defining global priorities and aspirations for
2030: Gender, Nationalities, Generations,
Working Culture, and Persons with
Disabilities (PWD).
In addition to the Group role of D&I Manager
and a Group Council, 16 Regional D&I Councils
are in place to pursue the local D&l agenda
under the leadership of the Regional
Managers. Altogether, 150 senior leaders
are involved as council members in different
Externally, we are a member of the D&I
taskforce of the World Federation of
Advertisers, we have a global partnership
with Catalyst to promote gender equity in
the workplace and we are a founding member
of the Measuring for Change community
(previously known as the Gender and Diversity
KPI Alliance). We continue to partner with the
Business Disability Forum.
Our approach to D&I is to identify opportunities
to implement it in our daily work, with
initiatives wide in their reach and impactful
in their results, engaging Ferrerians in all
functions and countries, and at all levels.
We continue to review our employee-lifecycle
processes through a D&I lens, to reduce the risk
of bias or discrimination at any stage - from
sourcing and recruitment, through onboarding,
performance management, learning and
development opportunities, recognition and
reward, and succession planning.
Pursuing our goal to increase female
representation in management roles, we've
piloted an Acceleration Programme in the
Finance function. The pilot included eight
finance professionals with the aspiration to
take on a senior role in the Finance
organisation (CFO or comparable). Each
participant has an Individual Acceleration
Plan, with a five-year career plan guided by
their aspirations, and including specific training
to develop their missing experiences and
competences, along with mentoring and
workshops supported by our partners Catalyst
and Percipio, as well as internal facilitators.
Following the success of the pilot, we will
extend the programme to other functions.
Our employees' compensation is aligned with
the market medianĀ¹ and, overall, we don't
record significant gaps by gender. We've been
improving our D&I data analysis, metrics, gaps
assessment and pay-equity analysis, and will
continue to do so.
In 2021/22, over 13,000 employees completed
an online course on Preventing Discrimination
and Harassment. This helps participants
identify situations that can lead to harassment
or discrimination and raises awareness of how
we can all contribute to a positive workplace
1. Competitiveness is assessed in a range of +/- 20% around
the benchmark.
Case study
Parental Policy
The launch of Ferrero's Global Parental
Policy was an important milestone in our
D&I journey. The policy outlines several
principles supporting new parents or
caregivers and their families, to be
adopted by all Ferrero companies. At the
end of the 2021/22 commercial year,
11 of our regions have adopted and
implemented it, and the remaining
regions will do the same by the end
of 2023.
Under the new policy, all Ferrero
employees can benefit from paid leave
as either a primary or accompanying
caregiver when welcoming a new child
into their family by birth, adoption or
surrogacy. Also, we've defined a global
minimum duration for parental leave
for all employees: 16 weeks of paid leave
for primary caregivers and 4 weeks of
paid leave for accompanying caregivers.
The policy also covers other aspects,
including employment protection and
non-discrimination in relation to
parental leave, health protection,
individual support for returning to work,
flexible working arrangements, and
support for nursing mothers.
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