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Investor Presentaiton

FIG 2018 ISTANBUL • XXVI FIG Congress 2018 6-11 May 2018 ISTANBUL EMBRACING OUR SMART WORLD WHERE THE CONTINENTS CONNECT: ENHANCING THE GEOSPATIAL MATURITY OF SOCIETIES THE STUDY AREA At least five distinct ecological zones are represented in the state ranging from mangrove and swamp forest towards the coast, tropical rain forest further inland, and savannah woodlands in the northern parts of the state. The highlands of the Obudu plateau offer montane type of vegetation. Up the Obudu plateau, the climate is essentially temperate. This coupled with the favourable climate of tropical, humid, dry and wet season give rise to rich agricultural lands thus encouraging both perennial and annual crop cultivation (CRS SEEDS, 2004). ORGANISED BY MAIN SUPPORTERS FIG T.C. せ PLATINUM SPONSORS CEVRE VE ŞEHİRCİLİK BAKANLIĞI Desri Leica Trimble. Tapu ve Kadastro THE SCIENCE OF WHERE Cal Geosystems
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