Investor Presentaiton
Summary of Bail-in / TLAC Regime
Best in class approach
Scope of bail-in
Liabilities excluded
from bail-in
TLAC compliance date
TLAC requirement
TLAC eligibility
Sequencing and
Form of bail-in
DSIB disclosure
OSFI designated DSIBS
Senior unsecured debt that is tradeable and transferable, original term >400 days, unsecured and issued, originated
or renegotiated after September 23, 2018
Insured deposits, uninsured deposits¹, debt with original term < 400 days, ABS / covered bonds, structured notes²,
derivative liabilities, other liabilities
November 1, 2021
23.5% minimum risk-based TLAC ratio (21.50% plus a 2.00% Domestic Stability Buffer)
6.75% minimum TLAC leverage ratio
Regulatory capital + bail-in debt with remaining term to maturity > 1 year³
Yes - all senior instruments issued prior to September 23, 2018
1. Federal authorities bring bank into resolution
2. Full conversion of bank's NVCC instruments must occur prior to or concurrently with bail-in
Equity conversion
- Include disclosure related to the conversion power in any agreement governing an eligible liability as well as any
accompanying offering document
Include a clause in the contractual provisions governing any eligible liability through which investors provide express
submission to the Canadian bail-in regime
Provide disclosure of TLAC ratios beginning Q1 2019
Bail-in is not the only path in Canada to resolve a failing bank. Canadian authorities retain full discretion
to use other powers including "vesting order", "receivership order", "bridge bank resolution order", etc.
Conversion into equity under the Canadian bail-in regime has the potential to result in realizable value,
potentially in excess of principal amount
1 Yankee CD's with original term > 400 days are in-scope of bail-in
2 As per definition of structured notes in section 2(6) of the Bank Recapitalization (Bail-in) Conversion Regulations under the CDIC Act
3 Provided such bail-in debt meets certain other requirements
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