Indonesia's COVID-19 Vaccination and Economic Resilience Strategy slide image

Indonesia's COVID-19 Vaccination and Economic Resilience Strategy

Carbon Pricing or Carbon Economic Value (NEK) is a part of a comprehensive policy package for climate change mitigation Emission Trading System First Period Entity A and Entity B have the same allocation at the beginning of the period Gra DY anak Emission MN Allocation Certificate Emission Obtained 01. Trading instruments, consists of 2 types: a. Emission Trading System (ETS) an entity that emits more buys emission permit from other entities that emits less b. Crediting Mechanism: entities undertaking emission reduction activities can sell their carbon credits to other entities requiring carbon credits Emission Offset 02. Non-trading instruments, consists of 2 types: B C Emission Reduction Certificate Initial Emission Final Emission Emission Obtained End of Period A A has an allocation surplus that can be sold to B B Eva Emal B is a business entity that is subject to a cap C is a business entity that is not subject to a cap a. Carbon tax, imposed on carbon content or carbon emitting activity b. Result Based Payment (RBP): payment is given as a result of emission reduction Carbon Tax Carbon Content GRK Emitting Activities Result-Based Payment Non-Trading No carbon rights transfer 153
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