Building a Better World Through Financial Inclusion slide image

Building a Better World Through Financial Inclusion

Market segmentation and competitive landscape citi BBVA The market in Mexico Fintech $ NBFI IOI Banks 50 institutions 512 companies (SOFOM'S SOFIPO's) Santander BANREGIO AFIRME Scotiabank 8B BANCO DEL BAJIO kueski bank TALA Konfio vexix Tarjeta de Céci hey, banco DO PLA.MX → Card Efectívate Dėstomos Klar Crezu nelo mercado pago vivus stori 36 institutions Popular S&L's (SOCAP) 155 institutions HSBC BANORTE e Econ mico CAJA POPULAR MEXICANA Compartamos Banco findo baubap tecreo. BanCoppel 10 DIT e mis faszos agnes CRÉDITO REAL CAME fincomún. STe Creemos contigo MásKapital. Financiera Popular Apoyo FINANCIERA INFOENDENCIA Credi Club sumate. FINANCIA CGV Banco Azteca CHISTOBAL COLON CAJA MORELIA VALLADOLID CAJA INMACULADA A/B 1% Avg. Income: $51,100 C+ | 5% Avg. Income: $27,800 ❤creditea C 14% Provident Avg. Income: $19,900 C-/D+ | 20% Avg. Income: $12,300 D | 25% Avg. Income: $8,900 Provident • Developing financial services landscape; 38% domestic credit penetration to GDP •Low bank account penetration (47%). Top segments highly penetrated by banks • Fintechs supporting bank account penetration and also targeting higher segments •Large, underserved target C-/D segment: >50m people •Majority of our segment deal in cash due to low bank account penetration E 35% Avg. Income: $5,400 Average monthly income figures in MXN Pesos 3 Building a better world through financial inclusion
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